Los ideólogos: Juan Pablo Viscardo y Guzmán

788 CÉSAR PACHECO VÉLEZ 144 BORRADOR DE CARTA DE MIRANDA AL DR. WILLIAM THOMPSON (1808) PTivate. Grafton Street ]uly 16th 1808.- My dear Doctor, In consequence of your kind letteT of yesterday, I have found among my Books sorne that may be usefull to you for your literary performance– and that I will transmit to you as soon as you send me a Man with the small Trunk in which the others were conveyed. chill. Litterce Apostololicce et confirmatio Societatis J esu Constitutiones cum examine D9 Regula Societatis J esu Charlexoix Ristre· du Paraguay 3 Vol. 4Q Viscardo's Letter (S.J.) & Note of Montesquieu. Techo Risty. of PaTaguay Tucuman &co. it the 6tll. Vol. of Chur- Gumila Ristre· de l'Orenoque 3 Vol. 129. If these Volumes hould not be deemed sufficient something else might be found. The Jesuits have done more good to South American than any other set of Men or Religions Order that ever went to that Continent. The cí., vilized portion of the Community received gratis the best system of Educa– tion and literatura they ever had - and the savage Indians the most ra– tional Christian Civil & Moral institutions that eveT were applied, since the conquest, for their benefit & happiness - And these motives I believe, were the real cause of their expulsion from that Country. If you mean to make additions to your Military Memoirs, I reco– mmend you to examine an interesting Pamphlet published by Egerton in 1802 entitled Caractere lvlilitaire des Annes Européennses ~ar1s la Guerre– actualle avec un ParaUele des .Fran9ais et des Romains. - and• a valuable