Los ideólogos: Juan Pablo Viscardo y Guzmán

790 CÉSAR PACHECO VÉLEZ 145 CARTA DEL DR. W. THOMPSON A MIRANDA (1808) N9 8 Gravel-pits Kensington 19 July 1808. Dear General, I send the Trunk for the Books. I will take good care of them all - They will be quite sufficient for my purpose. It is a :ucky as wonderful that you should have such a number of Books so di– rectly _to muy purpose - As to the Military Memoirs, I have not a little from Character Militaire des Armes &c in the Editions published - of the other two books & a little Conversation Wt. you on the most proper Extracts, I will, by and by, avail myself - Mean while what I am closely engaged in, is a 3ª Edition of phil. III and preparing a sketch of the History of Eur9pe 1807. for the Annual Registry; wª, you may recollect, I was wont to do fonnerly, and to which I have returned ~ I had done just a decad == from 1791, inclusive, to 1801 inclusive ( wª the Exception of 1793 published before my services were colled-) A majority of a Company of Brookse– llers, Tradesmen wª. the usual principies & passions of T radesmen, after I had brought the publication wª. had fallen years behind, up to a proper time , or overtakers time, as it were, sell off from the Terms on wª. I had engaged - I peremptorily refused to go on unless they would abide by their Engagement - In these circunstances they listened to overtures from a person in the Confidence of Lord Grenville. And the Historial part of Dodsdley Annual R egister for 2 or 3 years, was actualyy both composed & printed at Storve! It afterwards feU another political Influence & into the hands of another W rite r - But it did not rise in reputation. The party, amo·ng the Booksellers who protested against breaking Faith wª. me has be– come a decided majority - I have been r ecalled, new. Con. on my own Terms - You see how the literary world as well as the political is subject to Corruption. But, the press has in itself a sanative power - There are rival Annual R egisters - And any one may write that pleases - I wish, at sorne Convenient time, to have a little Conversation wc 1 • you on public Affairs - Mr. Pitt I believe, h ad adopted your plan of Emancipating South America - But he was diverted from the immediate Execution of it, by the prospect of strengthning, by the accesion of Spain, the Co - obtion