Los ideólogos: Juan Pablo Viscardo y Guzmán

] VAN PABLO V ISCARDO Y GuzMÁN 791 agt. France - the Spanish N ation hasta started into Arms against Buona– parte == and the pride of Spain, I suppose, is not now to be offended by an Emancipation of the Colonies. Thus it is still onsiderations of tem– poTary xpediency, the interest of Courts, that prevail political, not moral principies; though politics are best founded on moral principies. Indeed, it can forcely expected, that should revolt the Spaniards againts as at this Crisis. It is my business however to record, not to Legislate or Geovern. I should have liked to have been invited for 1860 - Having been led to take a pretty close view of sorne Transactions in the La Plata, of ci. the public has been led to conceive very erroneously - But I have an oppor– tunity of reviewing the whole business, in a summary manner, in the His– tory of 1807. I have already Charlevoix s Histoire du paraguay. But I will thank you very much for the others you mention - Viz. Leterre Apostolicre &c. Constitutiones cum Examne Regula Societatis J esu } 2 Vol. Viscardo s Letters & ote of Montesquieu. Techo, History of paraguay, Tucuman rec. in the 6th Vol. of Chur– chill. to accompany the Trunk, for Wt. the carrier will call - y remain dear Ge– neral your obliged & obedient servant W. THOMSO . For GE ER L MIR DA Q 27. Lower Frafton Street. Fitzroy Square. (With a Trunk) .: T. XIV, f. 42. Archivo del General Miranda, AM, T. XXI, La Habana, 1950 pp. 316-318.