Los ideólogos: Juan Pablo Viscardo y Guzmán

792 CÉSAR PACHECO VÉLEZ 146 ESQUELA DEL DR. W. THOMPSON A MIRANDA (1808) Dear General: I have received l. Leten:e Apostolicre &c. 2. Canstitutiones Cum Ex!lmine - containing Regu Trunk may be sent in a cover to me, by your Secretary, Gumilla Hist. de l'Orenoque - The key of the lre &e Societatis J esu. 3. Gumilla Histoire de l'Orenoque. 4. Lettre aux Espagnols Americaines. 5. 6 vol. of Churchills Collection - In a month or two, I will proppose, a <lay or two before hand, as you kindly desire for sorne ConveTsation --"- Ever yours. NQ 8. Gravel pits 22 J uly 1808. GENERAL MIRANDA NQ 27. Lower Frafton Street Fitzroy Square. N.: T. XIV, f. 44. W. Thomson. · Archivo del General Miranda, AM, T. XXI, La Habana, 1950, p. 318.