Fénix 48, 101-126

102 F énix . R evista de la B iblioteca N acional del P erú , N.48, 2020 Focuses the study in the Peruvian case, but in an analytical Latin American and international framework. A theoretical-practical and analytical-synthetic methodo- logy is used for the revision of the scientific literature, its analysis and systematiza- tion to the studied patrimonial reality. Keywords: Documentary cultural heritage, Peru, institutionality, regulations, cultural management. Recibido: 2020-07-07/ Revisado: 2020-09-14 / Aceptado: 2020-10-16 / Publicado: 2020-11-20. Institucionalidad y agentes sociales en el patrimonio cultural documental peruano. Reflexiones desde la gestión cultural y el marco internacional